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Douglas County Board of Elections 2/8/2024

Members present: Myesha Good (chair), Chad Word, Kevin Evans, Michele Crochetiere
Director: Milton Kidd

Citizen comment
Sharon Bachtel voiced two concerns. One, she said advanced voting access needs to be improved at the courthouse. It is not convenient for the elderly or disabled. Her second concern had to do with testing the voting machines. She observed the testing and said there were issues. The storage site was too small for all the equipment they had. They had only one security camera. She had to stay in one spot and could not see all the machines being tested. One machine did not have a poll pad. A person without identification walked through the space where the machines were, and she assumed he was a job applicant.

Office operations
M. Kidd and staff reported on the following:
? Kidd said they are preparing for the Feb 13 special election. Because the election was called in
January, they could not prepare advanced voting sites except for the courthouse.

? Staff report they have received 46 absentee ballots for the Feb 13 election thus far. They have
received applications for 155 absentee ballots for the March 12 election.

? Staff said L&A testing for March 12 started on January 29 and is still in process. They are waiting
to hear from the state about a request for additional equipment. They are currently preparing
for the Feb 13 election. M. Good asked how much new equipment have they requested. Staff
said they need 34 ballot marking devices and 17 tabulators. Kidd explained the equipment for
the special election has to be separate from the equipment for the March 12 election. They
expect an overlap because there will probably be a runoff for Feb 13 election.
Good asked if there were testing issues. Staff said they did not have any.

? Staff reported the dates for training poll workers for the March 12 election.

? Voter outreach—Kidd said they have hired a person responsible for voter outreach. She
reported she has held two events to date, meeting with community members, going over the
election schedule, showing maps, etc. About 40 people have participated. She will be meeting
with high schools and colleges for outreach sessions and to recruit poll workers. Kidd said small
group events will continue throughout the year.

? Staff reported the Feb 13 election will affect 10 precincts.

? Kidd said qualifying will take place from March 4 to March 8. This info is on their website. He
emphasized the parties are responsible for qualifying candidates. M. Crochetiere asked what the
party responsibilities are for qualifying candidates. Kidd said he had notified them about the
documents they need to provide and fees.

? Staff reported they received a letter from the Soil and Conservation Commission stating they
will need to include a supervisor election on the Nov 5 ballot. Candidates will qualify between March 4 and 8. They sent an agreement for the election board. The board voted to approve the

? C. Word asked about the status of redistricting. Kidd said it will be finished when they send out
new precinct cards after the special elections. The cards will go out in mid-March.
Old business—none
New business—none

Director’s concerns
? Kidd said they did not have time and equipment for early voting sites outside of the
courthouse for the special election in Feb. In the future they will have 7 sites.

? Kidd reported that candidates are responsible for completing the ethics filing. His office
does not give guidance or answer questions. They are only a “repository.”

Board concerns
Crochetiere asked about their efforts to move to a new building. Kidd reported he has made it known
they have outgrown the space. He said the prohibition against applying for grant funds has hampered
them. Word suggested the board send a letter noting the problem and requesting a study of the
situation. He made a motion and it passed.
Word asked for an update on the letters they sent about getting accurate information on deceased
voters. Kidd and staff said the probate court has contacted them. They send a state report and a county
report that sometimes do not match up. In the future they will send the elections office both reports.

*These meeting notes were prepared by a volunteer

These meetings are open to the public by Georgia law.  

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