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Coffee County Citizens question BOE on Attempted Cyber Breach 5/7/2024

The meeting began with a BOER member asking if she could address the Board. The Board member proceeded to resign from her position effective immediately; she chose not to stay for the meeting; the other BOER members/Supervisor of elections expressed that they were shocked and had no idea that she was resigning

Supervisor updates: There was an attempted cyber breach of Coffee County on 4/15; they were alerted by Homeland Security; no ransomware was involved; Secretary of State office was made aware on 4/17 by Coffee County Supervisor and followed up on 4/18; unknown if SOS was alerted by any other agency; County Commisioners were alerted on an as needed basis; no reason to believe that voter registration or any data was compromised; no known discrepencies in sample ballot or voting data; event was not an election specific event, it was a county event

The BOER voted to extend public comments to 10 minutes An open letter was sent to the BOER on May 4 that asked several questions about the attempted breach Several public commenters stood and asked questions and stated issues; they said that a few voters have reported problems with voting or registration status; some were unable to access myvoterpage; overall voter turnout is low; suggested that meeting times should be after 5pm; said that breaches of 2021 and 2024 were not properly communicated and said “if it wasn’t for the media (AJC, CNN, etc), we wouldn’t know about the breach of ‘21”

*These meeting notes were prepared by a volunteer

These meetings are open to the public by Georgia law.  

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