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Douglas Board of Elections 6/21/2024

Members present: Myesha Good (chair), Chad Word, Kevin Evans, Michele Crochetiere  

Director: Milton Kidd

Citizen comment

A Douglas County resident complimented the workers during advanced voting. However, she said that at one of the advanced polling locations, there was not adequate parking. She said this was also the case at the courthouse for the runoff races. She suggested that they reserve spaces for voters for sites with limited parking.

Office operations

A staff person read a letter from the Secretary of State’s Office that noted several multiple mailings.

    1. SoS will send letters to voters identified through ERIC as moving out of state, on June 26. Voters will have 30 days to respond before they are moved to inactive status.
    2. They will send the elections office a list of voters identified through NCOA as having moved out of county, on June 27. The county will notify these voters, and the voters will have 30 days to respond or they will be moved to inactive status.
    3. ERIC duplicates—the SoS identified possible duplicates in ERIC. The county will be asked to verify duplicates.
    4. SoS will audit voter cancellations that have been submitted over the last few years from voters who have moved. The county will receive instructions on the process.
    5. SoS will audit out of state notices on voter cancellations made from out of state.
    1. She read a second letter from the SoS outlining mandatory training for office staff that will take place over several days in late August.
    2. M. Kidd reported that the SoS performed a Parallel Exercise in Douglas County. They mirrored the county’s database for several precincts and found no discrepancies in the ballots that were monitored. 

    New business

    The county commission notified the board that they intend to add a T-SPLOST item to the November ballot. They requested a resolution from the board to add this item. The board passed the resolution by a vote of 3 to O with one abstention.


    The board certified the June 18 election results unanimously. 

    Director’s concerns

    Kidd reported:

    • The SoS will audit the U.S. House Republican runoff on June 26.
    • The second-place candidate in the District 3 special election requested a recount that will be held.
    • Kidd would like for the full elections board to meet with the board of commissioners to discuss the elections office space needs. He has made requests in writing and in meetings with commissioners’ staff but no progress had been made. Board members agreed to attend a regular board of commissioners meeting in July or August.

    Board member concerns

    C. Word had the following:

    • He said he visited seven precincts during the last election. During elections he would like to have precinct maps posted for voters to know what precinct they are in and to get a clearer idea of which elections affect them.
    • He said sheriff’s deputies were present at each precinct. He said because their cars weren’t parked close to entrances, he did not see their presence as intimidating. He thanked all of them for being at the polling locations.
    • As a follow-up to the last meeting, he said he expects staff to be collecting “cost per vote per precinct” data for advanced voting locations. He wants the board to see the trends to determine if sites need to be closed.
    • He would like a weekly email updates from the office. 

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