- Potential Runoff in June for elections due to multiple candidates
- Current turn out of 5%
- Early Tabulation scheduled for Monday at 10am
- Election Day voting hours: 7am-7pm
- Ballot Issues
Troup BOE will have to recreate 1,600 + early vote ballots due to incorrect ballots. This number does not include absentee ballots. Chairman William “Bill” Stump claims the errors for the ballots started with the Secretary of State because all statewide races and district race ballots are built by them. The incorrect header was listed for Judges’ race on the ballot. The headers were “County Commission” & “Superior Court of Judge” underneath. In addition, one of the qualifying House Representatives was left off of the ballot. The Secretary of State and the Troup County Board of Elections failed to catch both mistakes. The ballot issues have been addressed by the Secretary of State and is why the ballots must be recreated on Monday. The incorrect ballot will not “read” with the current ballot and is also why they must be “recreated”. People will be present to sign off the new ballot and run through the new scanner. Representatives from both parties are to be present during ballot recreation. They Currently do not have a representative from the republican party.
The Troup County BOE has been in contact with the Judges and Secretary of State office. Michael Risen (Unsure of correct spelling or pronunciation), qualified for the 136 House Representative Race and was left off the ballot. He has sent a letter from his attorney to Troup County BOE stating his right to a reballot or revote.
*These meeting notes were prepared by a volunteer
These meetings are open to the public by Georgia law.
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