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Dekalb County Board of Election 7/11/2024


Karli Swift, Chair – not present 

Vasu Abhiraman, Vice Chair – not present 

Nancy Jester, Acting Chair – present 

Susan Motter – present 

Tony Lewis – present 


Approved 3 – 0 

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for June 24, 2024 Scheduled Meeting 

Approved 3 – 0 


Gail Lee: claims a recent study found that, nationally,10% of all non-citizens are registered to vote. She claims Georgia DL don’t indicate whether the person is a permanent non citizen or a citizen. She advocates poll workers should make permanent non-citizens provide additional ID such as passports or vote provisionally. (Lee doesn’t say how poll workers would know whether a person is a permanent non-citizen or a citizen, since driver’s license look just like any citizens’ driver’s licenses.

Bill Henderson: oRers to work for DeKalb Board of Elections for free to make updates to the voter database. He says he can supply a resume, sign oaths and NDAs, and be deputized. 


A. Director’s Report (p. 4 of packet) 

Director Keish Smith explains that DeKalb has Absentee Ballots and in-person BMD printouts that are sometimes one card (one page) and sometimes two cards (two pages), and this complicates simple discussions about “counting ballots” or “matching the number of ballots to the number of voters.” 

The in-person votes themselves are preserved in the ICP (Precinct Scanners) and the Absentee votes are captured in the ICCs (Central scanners) and are unaRected by the number of sheets of paper. 

Director Smith enumerates the number of voter registration updates and numbers of current voters: 

Registered 578,675 

Active 498,544 

Inactive 80,131 

Smith mentioned the oRice is working on including a Doraville annexation question on the  November ballot, and the warehouse is conducting equipment maintenance. The Elections oRice is setting up an in-house print shop and has hired staR for it. They have  hired a new deputy director to oversee communications, public aRairs and training and are  advertising for several other positions. They are acquiring new oRice space and renovating  existing spaces. 

The department is working within its budget, although most of the budget will be spent in  the fall for the General Election. 

In August they will begin training people to train poll workers. Poll worker training should be  completed by 9/28. There will be supplemental “Learning Management” material for those  workers. 

Mid-August DeKalb will have their “Exellence in Elections” training for staR, legal partners and state partners. Also in August will be a regional GAVREO conference where they will  discuss best practices and share information. 

DeKalb is training voter registrars and arranging voter registration events at MARTA station, colleges and universities. These should be publicized on their website. In August or September they, along with Truist Bank, will have “Banking Essentials” event  for staR and the general public. 

Lewis asks if Director Smith can get the information she just mentioned to BRE members  in writing. 

Motter agrees it is a lot of information and suggests Dir. Smith adopt a standard template  covering voter roll processing that can be updated each month. She appreciates the detail  of the budget and sees the department is staying within budget. 

Jester concurs that the budget is in good shape and commends the Board of  Commissioners for increasing funding for elections. But she wonders if $14 million will  really be enough for the Fall election and says she would support Dir. Smith requesting  more funds. 

Jester says Dir. Smith should provide a report that breaks down the number of voters,  number of cards (sheets of ballot paper), and related issues. She notes that in the recent  primary, voters who chose an “Independent” ballot had just one card whereas those with  party ballots had two cards. She says the director should make a diagram so the public can  understand, for transparency. 

Director Smith says the Fall ballot should be short for everyone, but that the number of  cards is unrelated to tabulation of votes. 


A. Special Election || Doraville Annexation (p. 7) 

Motter moves to call special elections to present questions to certain DeKalb County  voters relating to the proposed annexation of unincorporated territory into the city of  Doraville as set forth in SB 558 and SB 560. 

Smith notes the election notice will appear in the Champion (legal organ) 7/25/24,  10/24/24, and 10/31/24 and on the ballot for the 11/5/24 election. 

Passes 3 – 0 




Motter and Jester thank staR, county attorneys, stakeholders, and the public.


*These meeting notes were prepared by a volunteer

These meetings are open to the public by Georgia law.  

Help us Fight Voter Suppression! Become a Peanut Gallery Volunteer Monitor at our next training on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6 pm! visit for more information!

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