During COVID-19, we practice social distancing by attending virtual meetings when possible and calling Boards of Elections.
Monthly Volunteer Trainings

Join the Georgia Peanut Gallery for our next Volunteer Trainings! Click Here!
We are excited to invite you to join the Peanut Gallery team.
Training Details: Anyone and everyone who is interested in standing up against voter suppression in Georgia, especially people who have faced it in their own communities are free to join. Please invite people from your networks to join as well.
The training will cover the history and present-day landscape of voter suppression in Georgia and will give you all the tools and information you need to be an effective Board of Elections, Education or Commissioners monitor.
Training Registration: Training is held on the third and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 PM. For information on how to attend please email [email protected]
Past Trainings
Legislative Education Training

The Georgia Peanut Gallery has hosted a Legislative Education Training on Thursday February 18, at 6pm. Come and learn how to navigate the legislative session currently taking place down at the Georgia General Assembly. Use this opportunity to remove some of the mystery around legislation; the more we know as citizens the more we can demand transparency from our lawmakers.
Training Registration: The zoom link will be sent upon RSVP. RSVP NOW
Advocating for Democracy Training

The Georgia Peanut Gallery has hosted a Advocating for Democracy Training on Thursday September 17 at 5pm. Come and learn how you can become an advocate for the fair elections in Georgia from our partners at the Advancement Project.
Training Details: In this training, we will discuss what it means to be an advocate, how advocacy has improved the current conditions for the electorate and how you can join the fight for fair, free, safe and accessible elections in our communities.
Training Registration: The zoom link will be sent upon RSVP. RSVP NOW