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In Attendance:

Margaret Jenkins (Chairwoman)

Uhland Roberts (Vice Chairperson)

Eleanor White,

Diane Scrimpshire


Nancy Boren (Elections Director)

New Business

Voter Registration Report for month of April

Voters removed from the rolls due to deaths: 69, felony convictions: 27, voter moving out of state: 13, voter moving out of county: 136.

New Georgia Project meeting, presented by Director Boren

“We met with them last week. At that meeting, we discussed–back and forth–ways they would like for us to operate, and we suggested how we would like for them to help us so we can all accomplish what we are trying to do. We were told that there are about 1.5 million black, latino, and unmarried white females that they are trying to attract with this voter registration drive.”

“In their discussion, they wanted to know if we were going to go along with the 90-day blackout window, and I told them I didn’t understand what that was and could they clarify. So, what they were talking about was the voter registration deadline that we just had for the primary which was April 26th. The reason I’m presenting all of this to the board–there are some changes that would need to be made if we start processing these voter registrations after the deadline.”

“The Secretary of State’s Office has sent out a letter to all counties saying, ‘you can continue to process if you want, but you’re going to have to train your people on how to identify those voters who are on the system but who missed the voter registration deadline’.”

The board decided to put in [post-April 26th-received new voter] registrants after the May 24th Primary.

Letter from Wane Hailes 

Mr. Hailes wants Ann Hardman to be disqualified because she recorded the wrong date [in some kind of publication] for an election.

Clinton Fay, the city attorney, reviewed the documents and concluded that it is a clerical error and not a disqualifying event.

The board decided to stand with the city attorney’s decision of it being a clerical error and not a disqualifying event. Chairman Jenkins said that Director Boren will respond to Mr. Hailes in a letter, stating that they and the city attorney agree that it is a clerical error and that therefore, Mrs. Ann Hardman will not be disqualified.

Old Business

National Infantry Museum: Board decided to have a tram and two golf carts to take voters closer to the building for Election Day.

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