To increase social distancing, the Oglethorpe County Board of Elections decided to limit the number of people who can vote at one time during the May monthly meeting.
The following includes the minutes provided by the Oglethorpe County Board of Elections. Contact the Oglethorpe County BOE office with questions.
Oglethorpe County Board of Elections Minutes
Board of Elections Office
May 1, 2020
The Oglethorpe County Board of Elections meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chairperson, Beverly Nation. George Gray led the pledge to the flag.
Present at the meeting, Board Members, Beverly Nation, George Gray, Marilyn Huff-Waller and Board Supervisor, Steve McCannon.
No Guests/Public Input
Minutes from the April 1, 2020 meeting were read and approved.
Election Supervisor shared: March 2020 Budget (22.35% used) April 2020 Voter Registration Stats (Loss of 16 voters) Absentee By Mail Requests (30% – 3, 019 Absentee Ballot Applications Processed) PPE Grant available – $3,000 Drop Box Grant available – $3,000 Computers on order (3) for office use. Camera/Absentee Ballot Drop Box Installation completed Protective PlexiGlass to be installed prior to Advance Voting to assist in social distancing.
Board Discussions:
New Election Calendar dates provided by the State.
Order has been placed for COVID-19 protection products (mask, sanitizer, etc.,) for Election Office and for each Precinct use.
Advance Voting Plan to be implemented to enforce Social Distancing. Board agreed to allow 3-4 persons max inside to vote at a time.
Board approved ordering an additional tent 12 x 12 pop-up to use during Advanced Voting and on Election Day to practice Social Distancing. Side shields are to be ordered and have on hand in case of inclement weather.
Portable laptop stands are needed along with side shields to increase privacy during the voting process. Approximately 50 stands are needed (possibly order same or similar as Hart Co.) Currently having a problem locating.
Board agreed/discussed that historically election results are displayed at the Courthouse, but due to current situations (COVID-19) and lack of personnel the Board of Elections will NOT
host election results. This will no longer (in the future) be handled by the Board. Each political party will need to decide if they would like to host their own election results gathering. Election supervisor will contact each party to notify them.
L & A (Logic and Accuracy) to begin May 4, 2020, at 8 a.m. 8 BMD’s along with printers will be located at each precinct.
Poll Worker Training will be held at the Board of Elections Office: Lexington Precinct – 6 pm, 5/26/20 Crawford Precinct – 6 pm, 5/28/20 Beaverdam Precinct – 6 pm, 6/2/20
George Gray reported the Security Plan for Election (per his conversation with Sheriff Gabriel) will include a deputy outside of each polling precinct.
George also reported that Adam Nation from the County will be lead person for transporting equipment to each precinct.Storage issues were also discussed. George Gray mentioned his concern about taking over the kitchen/break room with all of the Election equipment. He mentioned moving scanners upstairs and possibly other equipment with secured keypad entry. Board to discuss additional plans for storage and security.If additional help is needed to assist with Election or Pre/Post Election, we will reach out to our High School Student Ambassadors for hire.
It was agreed that we would order T-Shirts for our 2019-2020 Secretary of State Student Ambassadors for all their hard work and dedication to the program.
Next meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 1, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 am Minutes recorded by Marilyn Huff-Waller.
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