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Oconee County Board of Elections Meeting 5/7/2024

Board Attendees: Jay Hanley (chair), Kirk Shook (vice chair), Douglas Hammond, Shami
Jones (absent: Ken Davis)
Staff Attendees: Sharon Gregg (director) and Jennifer Stone (assistant director)
A. Adopted prepared Agenda
B. Unanimously approved 4/2 and 4/16/2024 Minutes

C. Public Comment–None
D. Unfinished Business–None
E. New Business–None

F. Director’s Report
a. Absentee Ballots–Gregg reports sending 327 absentee ballots, with 39 returned
to date.
b. Advance Voting–793 in-person voting to date, a low turnout.
c. Logic and Accuracy Testing–No equipment issues identified.
d. Voter Registration–30,796 active voters, 2,339 inactive voters, for 33,135 total
by end of April.

G. Upcoming Events
May 10–Last day for absentee Ballots.
April 29-May 17–”Advance Voting” in Room 125 of the county administrative
building–hallway accommodates sign-in,so space works ok.
May 18–Processing Absentee Ballots begins
May 21 Election–Polls open 7 am to 7 pm
May 24–Board certifies Election at 5:30
May 30–Risk Limiting Audit of May 21 Election at 9 am.
June 18–Run-Off Election if needed.

Motion to adjourn adopted unanimously at 5:12 p.m.

*These meeting notes were prepared by a volunteer

These meetings are open to the public by Georgia law.  

Help us Fight Voter Suppression! Become a Peanut Gallery Volunteer Monitor at our next training on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6 pm! visit for more information!

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