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Jackson County Board of Elections Meeting 9/13/2024

? Approval of meeting minutes from August 9th, 2024 

? Board member Christina Loop accused Elections Supervisor Jennifer Logan of committing a crime by omitting public comment summaries from the August meeting minutes. 

? The board voted to approve the August minutes without taking action on Loop’s motion, 3 in favor of minute approval, 2 against (both GOP appointees) 

? Two individual voter challenges based on potential felony 

? Board voted against removing them from the rolls because the social security numbers and addresses did not match. They were unable to verify the 

challenged were the felons without matching data. 

? Hearing on voter registration challenges submitted by Tiffany Flock 

? After asking where Flock found the information contained in the challenge, Chair Danielle Kuntz determined that it constituted systemic roll maintenance with is not permissible now that we are within the Federal 90 Day Quiet Period. No hearing was conducted, but Board Chair and Elections Supervisor explained the details of the law and why the hearing would not be conducted. 

? Public comment 

? Multiple people voiced concerns that non-citizens would be voting 

? Tiffany Flock requested that the Board begin recording meetings as she disagreed with the structure of the meeting minutes 

? The Jackson County GOP Chair spoke about non-citizen voting, and supported the idea that the meetings be recorded (there were 3 people in attendance recording the meeting, as well as a local journalist taking notes to publish in the Jackson Herald) 

? Another man and his wife both insisted that the county should do more to restrict non-citizen voting and made further allegations of voter fraud. 

? Two people invited the entire crowd to visit the office during normal operations and sign up as poll workers so they could see how many ways the elections staff work to ensure legal compliance and election integrity. Both are long time poll workers and were upset that people were accusing the elections office of any misconduct. 

? Meeting concluded after supervisor report and a vote was taken to adjourn

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