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Posts published in “Postage stamp”

Peanut Gallery Hosts 6 p.m. Training Session for Volunteer Monitors April 28

Join us 4-28-20 to learn how you can help protect Georgia’s 2020 elections as a Peanut Gallery Volunteer Monitor. If you would like to volunteer…

Carriers to deliver “official election mail” regardless of postage

NOTE: This is being reported to the AJC, but the Georgia Secretary of State hasn’t confirmed it. In the meantime to ensure delivery,The Peanut Gallery…

Fulton County Board points to emailing photos as a remedy to the polling tax debate

The Fulton County Board of  Registration and Election pointed to photo taking and emailing as a remedy for the postage-related polling tax debate. Members planned…

The Georgia Peanut Gallery is an initiative of the New Georgia Project.