- Declaration of Quorum Present – yes
o Present:
o Jack Noa, Chairman
o Mr. Johnny Varner, member
o Gail Sheats, member
o Mr. Ken Cochran, member
o One member missing- Mr. David Kennedy - Call to Order and roll call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Adoption of Agenda- yes with one addition
- Approval of Minutes from April 9, 2024- motion and 2nd
- Public Comments specific to Items on the agenda: none
- Director’s Update
o Turn out “steady but slow”
o GARViS system has been up and down, in and out all day today- struggle to process
o Hall Co. intermittent internet interruptions today with outages – gotten better- was
and is an issue
o Back-up procedure to use MVP has also been down- statewide
o Consequences will be here later tonight- 10pm deadline to report to state- may be
extended but hasn’t been determined at this time
o Blake Evans, Elections Director Sec. State Office was notified – still is going off and
on; they are working on it.
o We’re doing the best we can
o Risk limiting audit on May 30-31
o Friday certification meeting
o Run off will make it difficult to do audit
o Numbers- Active voters 136,247; inactive 12,430 and total 148, 677 eligible voters
o Mailed out 1475 absentee ballots– 940 accepted back by mail,
o 10, 362 absentee voters in person
o As of 5:30pm 11,000 voters today - Business
o Van Stephens (Special Assistant County Attorney) spoke: Board of Commissioners
considering a T Splost referendum- July 11th - request to have one meeting on July 16.
Required to run an advertisement- official validation. Requesting to move July BOE
meeting to July 16. Motion and 2nd and vote.
- Public Comments specific to items not on the agenda- none
- Comments from the Board and Chairman
- Confirmation of next meeting – May 24, 2024
- Executive session if needed – will meet downstairs
- Adjourn
*These meeting notes were prepared by a volunteer
These meetings are open to the public by Georgia law.
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