Called to order at 9:07 Attending: Marion Caldwell, Russell Mobley, Louise Nix, Dwayne Turner, Lisa Manning, Todd Marks. Also in Attendance: Senator Steve Gooch, Members…
Posts published in “White County”
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes from January 4 and 25, 2021. Approved. 4. Open discussion of…
Present: BOE: Marlon Caldwell, Todd Marks, Louise Nix, Russell Mobley (zoom), Dwayne Turner (zoom). Lisa Manning (Election Supervisor), Jason Cobb (County Manager) Main Issues: Duties,…
This was the first meeting of the newly appointed White County Board of Elections. Present were: BOE members: Marlon Caldwell, Todd Marks, Russell Mobley, Louise…